At woodland trails we have 5 Village sites to choose from, Chestnut, Birchmount, Whispering Beeches, Rustling Poplar and Great Oak Villages:
- All five village facilities consist of a picnic shelter, picnic tables, 7 ‘tabins’ (plywood with shingle roof and vinyl flaps/screen door). We ask that guests limit their use of tabins to a reasonable number (3–4) to aid in cleaning sites after use.
- All five villages also have 2 plastic kybos on holding tanks, hand washing station/drinking water, fire pit and excellent privacy/seclusion.
- There is no hydro available at these sites
- Vinyl sleeping mats can be provided for each guest upon request at these sites.
- Guests may also pitch up to 4 tents at these sites should they prefer that option.
- Parking available for two vehicles, per village.